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2024年10月06日 03:10


There are several completed novels about dominating the entertainment industry that I can recommend. One of them is "娛樂圈里的泥石流" by 一言難盡中, which features characters like 許越 and 李芊芊. Another option is "我主宰了娛樂圈" by 粥也愛丸子, where the protagonist, 秦嵐, unexpectedly reincarnates into the son of a wealthy businessman and faces the challenge of his father's bankrupt company. Additionally, "娛樂圈是我的[重生]" by 春刀寒 tells the story of 許摘星, who witnesses the unfair treatment of her idol, 岑風, and later gets a chance to change his fate. These novels provide different perspectives on dominating the entertainment industry and are worth checking out.
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